Littoral Combat Ships
First envisaged by the US Navy as a jack-of-all-trades warship for coastal operations, mine warfare, amphibious operations and other combat applications, littoral combat ships are unique, modular warships that can be equipped for almost any purpose at a moment’s notice. The US Navy currently operates two types, the Freedom-class ships and the Independence-class while other navies are increasingly seeking their own versions. Japan and Thailand are both developing their own and Malaysia (at the time of writing) is already in the process of constructing some littoral combat ships in the form of the Maharaja Lela-class. Saudi Arabia has also shown interest in these warship types and signed a deal with the US back in 2017 for four Multi-Mission Surface Combatant (MMSC) ships, which are based on the Freedom-class vessels. For the purposes of this database, those vessels which are not yet confirmed or ships like the Maharaja Lela-class (which can instead be classified as stealth frigates) will be excluded for the time being.
This page is divided first by country of origin, then by date order and will showcase an exhaustive list of all warships of this type currently or previously in service around the globe, while also including major design studies, where applicable.
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